Candidate Scholars

To become a Scholar, a student needs to be nominated by our on-site Philippine Coordinator. Criteria include:
1. Between ages 4 and 25 years old, inclusive.
2. Household income less than $3000 (U.S.) per year. This may seem high for the Philippines, but over 90% of students have families with incomes less than $1500 per year, which is just enough for a roof and meals.
3. Not related to any member of Philippine Scholars corporation.
4. Provides accurate information for his/her casesheet, showing financial need.We have a committee to review the information and seek clarifications. Once a student has been accepted as a candidate, he/she must wait until a Sponsor is found.
Student Duties

1. Prepare a study plan for the sponsor at the start of the school year or when accepted.
2. Attend an accredited school with acceptably minimal absences, and maintain passing
grades (we have an academic standards committee at each site).
3. Provide a copy of report card twice a year.
4. Attend meetings set up by the Philippine Coordinator to disburse funds, motivate or
encourage good scholarship.
5. Write or send email to the Sponsor at least twice every three months.
Our sites have Coordinators who have been chosen by the PS Board of Directors because they have experience with helping others attend school, and have a deep interest to help students achieve success. They are a critical component of our program since they understand the local language and customs, and are used to working with adults and nongovernmental organizations. They receive the monies, disburse the funds, call and manage meetings to encourage scholarship, plan summer camps, and respond to the needs of Scholars and Sponsors.
A Sponsor may be a person, a family or an organization. No doubt each Sponsor has had a lot of school, maybe even advanced degrees beyond college, and knows the value of a good education. A Sponsor is generous, and willing to give a Scholar money so that he/she can perform optimally in school. The Sponsor understands that the Scholar commits to study hard, that he/she will attend the site's meetings and events, that the family supports the Scholar's education, and that report cards will be checked. Many Sponsors are willing to act as a mentor to the student. Students are expected to write or email their sponsors often, to share their thoughts and experiences, especially in school.